
I’m a Filipina travel agent by profession. I have been traveling vicariously thru my clients, local, and international for years until I decided to do the traveling myself. I’ve got a knack for learning, and my curiosity leads me to photography (and ummm) writing. Inspired to take photography, solo traveling and being a foodie on another level, I’m currently eating and photographing (sometimes writing too) my way around the 81 Philippine provinces while holding a glass of gin+pomelo 🍹

What People Say

!Hola from Spain. As someone who’s into learning about the Philippines, I really like this blog for it’s content! Here you got info of amazing places, interesting culture and delicious food in the Philippines. Totally worth following.

– Victor Jorda

PS. You can join me in intimate tours curated by locals who love where they’re from and what they do.

Let’s travel together.